Steve Pimsler Sensei joined the New York Aikikai in 1974 and has been teaching here since 1978

Steve Pimsler and Yoshimitsu Yamada, 2014

Steve Pimsler and Yoshimitsu Yamada, 2014

Steve Pimsler was soto deshi to Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei and traveled with him as otomo throughout the United States and Europe. As deshi, he had the good fortune to host and train under K. Ueshiba Doshu, M. Ueshiba Doshu, S. Arakawa, and H. Osawa from Hombu Dojo; M. Saito from Iwama; and Shihan N.Tamura, A. Tohei, S. Sugano, K. Chiba and M. Kanai.

In 2003 he became manager of the New York Aikikai and President of the Board of Directors.

He has conducted seminars in the United States, Europe, Australia, and South America and serves on the Technical Committee of the United States Aikido Federation. He assumed the role of Chief Instructor in January 2023, as requested by Yamada Sensei.

Steve met his wife, Cheryl, at the New York Aikikai.

"We're moving into a very special time for aikido."

— Steve Sensei